Please see the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium funding and how we allocate this at St Mary’s.
The Sport Premium grant is awarded to primary schools each year from the Government to improve the provision of PE and sport within schools. (see DfE's Sports Premium Link). The funding is based on the number of pupils in the school. This money is used to develop a wide range of sports and physical activities that the school already offers and to make improvements now that will benefit pupils joining the school in future years. We believe that a varied PE curriculum, extra-curricular opportunities and regular participation in physical activity throughout the school day will have a positive influence on the attitudes, concentration levels and the academic achievement of our pupils.
At St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, we aim to inspire all children to develop a love of physical activity and sport. We aim to ensure that our delivery of physical education equips all children with the knowledge and skills to be successful in sport and to lead active, healthy lifestyles.
At St Mary’s we listen to our children’s views and provide them with a range of active experiences and clubs. Our goal is to allow the children to obtain values to celebrate and respect others within all sporting activities. We endeavor to educate our children to develop a greater understanding on how to live a healthy lifestyle, and support their mental well-being.
The PE Subject Leader, Miss Eatherington, plans to this use funding to develop the following areas:
Improving the quality of teaching and learning
The school will use the Sports Premium grant to raise the standard of teaching and learning in PE by purchasing sports equipment, resources and investing in relevant training programmes. In addition, external providers will be used to work with members of staff to increase confidence in delivering effective PE lessons.
Increasing participation in sporting activities outside of the core curriculum
The Sports Premium grant will support the funding of an increased range of lunchtime and after school clubs for all ages. This also includes the cost of equipment and resources for these extra-curricular activities. It will also fund the costs of participation in intra and inter competitions, including the cost of transport.
Improving pupils’ lifestyles and physical wellbeing
As a result of increased physical activity and sporting participation, St Mary’s pupils will have improved health and mental wellbeing, whilst also benefiting from all the other positive values that sport promotes such as, confidence and self-esteem. We want to embed enjoyable participation in regular physical activity and teach children about the importance of healthy lifestyles
To see the impact of Sports Premium funding last academic year please click below