Webbs Wood Road, Bradley Stoke, Bristol , BS32 8EJ
01454 866390


Admissions Policy 2024/2025 - admissions procedures for future years

Anti-Bullying Policy - the procedures the school follows so pupils feel safe and secure

Attendance Policy - procedures for monitoring pupil attendance 

Behaviour Policy - the procedures the school follows to ensure good behaviour within the school

Breakfast Club Policy - the arrangements for our club 

Catholic Life and Mission Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy - processes for charging for different activities

Collective Worship and Assemblies Policy

Confidentiality Policy

Complaints Policy - procedures for making a complaint

Equalities Policy - the procedures on promoting equality within our school. Equalities Action Plan

E-Safety Policy - procedures to follow to ensure safe use of the internet 

EYFS Induction Policy (May 2022)

Freedom of Information Policy - processes regarding how Freedom of Information works

Home Visits Policy (May 2022) - procedures for visits to new Reception families in September

Intimate Care Policy

Mobile Phone Policy (May 2022) - the arrangements for use of mobile phones on school premises.

Phonics Policy

Pupil Premium Policy

Relationship and Health Education Policy - March 2021 - how this is taught in the curriculum

Religious Education - how RE is taught in our school

Safeguarding Policy processes/procedures for helping children to remain safe and secure at home and at school

School Uniform Policy

SEND Policy - supporting pupils with special educational needs and disabilities

Social Media Policy

Staff Code of Conduct - Working with Children - procedures for staff working with children

Times Tables Policy

Whistle Blowing Policy for Employees

Written Calculation Policy






Pupil Friendly Antibullying Leaflet - created by school council November 2023
