St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is friendly and inclusive.
The school’s values underpin all aspects of school life.
Pupils show respect for people’s differences and celebrate each other as unique individuals.
The school has high expectations of all pupils.
Pupils work hard during lesson time and are keen to contribute their ideas.
Pupils enjoy the opportunities the school provides to develop leadership responsibilities.
Pupils know they can make a difference to those who are less fortunate, for example through links with the church community and the ‘Mini Vinnies’ charity.
The school’s wider offer supports pupils to develop their interests and talents.
Parents appreciate the warm and supportive atmosphere that allows pupils to grow.
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The Diocese said...
This is a good school because:-
The school's strong Catholic identity and ethos permeates through all aspects of its life and promotes an inclusive, outward looking community which values the individual.
The strong systems for providing pastoral care for both pupils and staff are at the heart of the school's mission and is commendable.
The school's high standards of behaviour engenders a culture of respect among pupils for themselves and others.
The quality of teaching is good across the key stages and sometimes outstanding.
Pupils show interest in the religious life of others and, as they move through the school, grow in confidence in expressing their own views and beliefs whilst valuing the views of those from other faith perspectives.