Welcome to Year 5!
We hope you enjoy looking at our class page. This is where you will find all of the useful details about the year including curriculum information, important dates, and our learning blog.
Class Teacher: Mrs Kubica
PPA Cover: Miss Anabelle
PE Days
Thursdays - gymnastics
Tuesdays - 21st Jan, 11th Feb
Fridays - 10th Jan, 17th Jan, 31st Jan, 7th Feb
Sorry for any confusion regarding this - any questions please speak to myself.
Children will be provided with all learning equipment and stationery in school so please leave all pencil cases, etc at home, especially if it's valuable or special to your child. Children are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school with water; please label it clearly.
Homework is set on a Friday. Please read with your child at least 4 times a week, where possible. Please record this in their purple reading record.
Year 5/6 Statutory Spellings - Please choose 5 spellings to practice at home every week.
Year 3/4 Statutory Spellings - for extra practice if your child needs it
Maths homework should be completed on SumDog. Logins have been sent home with children.
Spelling: Can you complete the worksheet send home? Do you need to double the consonant? Think about short vowel and long vowel sounds.
Termly Enquiry Project: To be completed by Thursday 6th February
Think of a charity that is important to you. Can you design a product that might be useful for that charity?
For example, if I chose the RSPCA as my charity, I could design a special cage that keeps the animals warm but is still breathable.
Think about the materials you might use. What properties do the materials have? What properties does the product need to have?
Design your product on paper or on the computer. Include the materials you would use and why. Get your engineer's hat on and enjoy designing!
Our Class Blog 2023-2024
May 2024
We are continuring our exploration of our quality text, 'A Hero Like Me'. We are embarking on retelling the story of that fateful day, when Colston's statue was pulled down, by retelling it from a different point of view, from the point of view of the statue itself. Today, we re-enacted the events of the day through drama-mapping, and we explored lots of different feelings and thoughts as the action unfolded.
Can you spot the statue? College Green? the protestors? The harbour?
We are excited to plan and write our narratives!
This term, we are exploring the text "A hero like me" and learning to write balanced arguments. We are thinking about the events of the Colston Statue protests in June 2020 in Bristol, and asking the question: Was it right to pull down Colston's statue?
To develop our understanding, we went on a class trip to Bristol City Centre to follow the protestors' route that day, June 7th 2020. At each point along the route, we discussed the feelings, thoughts and arguments of the protestors, the police and the onlookers. We thought about what we would do, and what we agreed and disagreed with, and why. Ultimately, we realised how complicated this question was, and how important it was to consider all the sides in order to make a balanced decision. We are excited to start planning our balanced arguments in our English lessons!
March 2024: Let's use Active Travel to commute to school and work.
This week, Andrew from South Glos Council did an online Active Travel Workshop with us. We learned how much we could do, for ourselves, our community and for the planet, by commuting to school using active travel rather than the car.
We wrote poems promoting Active Travel to school, which Miss Molloy entered into the Active Travel Competition, where we might win a new scooter and helmet. Exciting!
February 2024: Our afternoon of Trading!
As part of our Enquiry into 'Who traded with whom?', Year 5 had an afternoon of trading, which we really enjoyed. We discussed how lots of things can be traded: pokemon cards, football cards, stationery, class donuts…We realised that both sides had to agree to the trade, that an item might become more of less valuable depending on how much someone wanted it (‘demand’), and that it was possible to ‘trade up’.
We are taking on a fun trading challenge this term: to start with one paperclip and see how successfully we can ‘trade up’. Can we match Kyle MacDonald’s house?
The wonderful St Martin's Class have worked so well as a team in so may ways (keeping the classroom tidy, working independently on learning tasks, helping the teacher, helping each other...) that they have earned 20 class donuts. As their class reward, they voted for a 'Break the Rules' Christmas Party. We played some hilarious games, where they got to eat lots of chocolate....
OUR WOW SCIENCE DAY! 8th November, 2023.
Jo Richardson from Space Detectives came in to spend the whole day with us. We larned all about the Solar System, the planets, gravity and even did some Virtual Reality. Amazing Science!
October 2023
Why do we have day and night? How can people say the Sun stays still when it moves across the sky over the course of a day?
Year 5 discussed these Big Questions and decided we needed, as Scientists, to collect some evidence. We knew that the Sun stayed still, and that the Earth rotated and orbited the Sun. Otus came up with the suggestion of investigating how our shadows changed over a day, as that would show that the direction of sunlight changed according to how much the Earth was moving (rotating) away from the Sun.
At 10am, we picked a spot in the playground, drew around our shadows and measured their length. Every hour until 3pm we repeated the same measurement. Obafemi and Freya had the good idea of also measuring how far apart the shadows were from each other, as that showed the distance the Earth had rotated in one hour.
Sometimes it was cloudy, so it was impossible to take any readings. (However our Sun Dances were very successful too!)
Our results showed that our shadows changed position and length over the course of a day. They were the shortest around midday, which Zak explained was correct as that was when the Sun was directly above us and so cast the shortest shadow.
We really enjoyed being Scientists for the whole day today - look at our photos below!
We took turns to be the Earth, Sun and Moon. We had to rotate and orbit in the correct positions to simulate the movement of the Moon around the Earth and the Earth around the Sun. It got very dizzy – but it really helped us to understand the position of the Moon in relation to the Earth!