Please note there are changes to issuing Fixed Penalty Notices for attendance from 19th August 2024 .... please read below for more information...
At St Mary’s we promote high attendance as a way to ensure that your children have the best possible opportunities in their education and ultimately, the best opportunities in their adult life. This year, our attendance target was set at 97.3%. Current attendance figures are now recorded in the newsletter and on a display in the school.
Poor attendance, for whatever reason and whether these are intermittent absences or blocked absences will impact on your child’s learning progress. The table below is an important reminder of the impact that unnecessary absence from school can have. Whilst we recognise that sometimes children are absent because they are unwell, there are a small number of children who are absent for reasons that are avoidable, including being collected early or arriving late. Please read our 'Attendance Information for Parents' leaflet and the information on 'Monitoring, Promoting and Celebrating Good Attendance at St Mary's' document:-
The Governors have recently reviewed the school's Attendance Policy to ensure all statutory requirements are being met. Further evidence is now required if children are absent from school during the school day, e.g. for medical appointments. Failure to comply with this will mean that the absence can be marked as unauthorised.
The school is able to issue penalty notices through the Local Authority for unauthorised absences. There are changes to the way penalty notices are issued for attendance. These are effective from 19th August 2024. This is if there are more than ten sessions (a session is classed as a morning or afternoon) marked unauthorised in a ten week period (previously a seven week period). It is important that you read and understand the consequences of your child missing time off of school.
If your child has an upcoming planned absence please ensure you make an appointment with Jo Creese to discuss this ahead of the absence.
Please click here to find out more about Penalty Notices and these changes:
Holidays during school term time | South Gloucestershire (
100% -98% |
Excellent attendance and the best chance of high achievement |
97.9% - 96% |
Expected attendance and a good chance of high achievement |
95.9% - 90% |
Below expected attendance and a risk of underachievement |
89.9% - 85% |
Poor attendance and a serious risk of underachievement |
Below 85% |
Very poor attendance and extreme risk of underachievement |
Please note there are changes to issuing Fixed Penalty Notices for attendance from 19th August 2024 .... please read below for more information...
At St Mary’s we promote high attendance as a way to ensure that your children have the best possible opportunities in their education and ultimately, the best opportunities in their adult life. This year, our attendance target was set at 97.3%. Current attendance figures are now recorded in the newsletter and on a display in the school.
Poor attendance, for whatever reason and whether these are intermittent absences or blocked absences will impact on your child’s learning progress. The table below is an important reminder of the impact that unnecessary absence from school can have. Whilst we recognise that sometimes children are absent because they are unwell, there are a small number of children who are absent for reasons that are avoidable, including being collected early or arriving late. Please read our 'Attendance Information for Parents' leaflet and the information on 'Monitoring, Promoting and Celebrating Good Attendance at St Mary's' document:-
The Governors have recently reviewed the school's Attendance Policy to ensure all statutory requirements are being met. Further evidence is now required if children are absent from school during the school day, e.g. for medical appointments. Failure to comply with this will mean that the absence can be marked as unauthorised.
The school is able to issue penalty notices through the Local Authority for unauthorised absences. There are changes to the way penalty notices are issued for attendance. These are effective from 19th August 2024. This is if there are more than ten sessions (a session is classed as a morning or afternoon) marked unauthorised in a ten week period (previously a seven week period). It is important that you read and understand the consequences of your child missing time off of school.
If your child has an upcoming planned absence please ensure you make an appointment with Jo Creese to discuss this ahead of the absence.
Please click here to find out more about Penalty Notices and these changes:
Holidays during school term time | South Gloucestershire (
100% -98% |
Excellent attendance and the best chance of high achievement |
97.9% - 96% |
Expected attendance and a good chance of high achievement |
95.9% - 90% |
Below expected attendance and a risk of underachievement |
89.9% - 85% |
Poor attendance and a serious risk of underachievement |
Below 85% |
Very poor attendance and extreme risk of underachievement |
Please note there are changes to issuing Fixed Penalty Notices for attendance from 19th August 2024 .... please read below for more information...
At St Mary’s we promote high attendance as a way to ensure that your children have the best possible opportunities in their education and ultimately, the best opportunities in their adult life. This year, our attendance target was set at 97.3%. Current attendance figures are now recorded in the newsletter and on a display in the school.
Poor attendance, for whatever reason and whether these are intermittent absences or blocked absences will impact on your child’s learning progress. The table below is an important reminder of the impact that unnecessary absence from school can have. Whilst we recognise that sometimes children are absent because they are unwell, there are a small number of children who are absent for reasons that are avoidable, including being collected early or arriving late. Please read our 'Attendance Information for Parents' leaflet and the information on 'Monitoring, Promoting and Celebrating Good Attendance at St Mary's' document:-
The Governors have recently reviewed the school's Attendance Policy to ensure all statutory requirements are being met. Further evidence is now required if children are absent from school during the school day, e.g. for medical appointments. Failure to comply with this will mean that the absence can be marked as unauthorised.
The school is able to issue penalty notices through the Local Authority for unauthorised absences. There are changes to the way penalty notices are issued for attendance. These are effective from 19th August 2024. This is if there are more than ten sessions (a session is classed as a morning or afternoon) marked unauthorised in a ten week period (previously a seven week period). It is important that you read and understand the consequences of your child missing time off of school.
If your child has an upcoming planned absence please ensure you make an appointment with Jo Creese to discuss this ahead of the absence.
Please click here to find out more about Penalty Notices and these changes:
Holidays during school term time | South Gloucestershire (
100% -98% |
Excellent attendance and the best chance of high achievement |
97.9% - 96% |
Expected attendance and a good chance of high achievement |
95.9% - 90% |
Below expected attendance and a risk of underachievement |
89.9% - 85% |
Poor attendance and a serious risk of underachievement |
Below 85% |
Very poor attendance and extreme risk of underachievement |