Webbs Wood Road, Bradley Stoke, Bristol , BS32 8EJ
01454 866390

    St ELIZABETH'S Class (Year 2) 2024/2025   


Welcome to Year 2!

We hope you enjoy looking at our class page. This is where you will find all of the useful details about the year including curriculum information, important dates, and a diary of our learning. 



Meet the team

Mrs. Woolley

Miss Eatherington

Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Hodges

Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Sweeney



PE Days

Wednesday and Friday



Maths: Year 2 are expected to know and rapidly recall the 2, 5 and 10 times tables by the end of the academic year. These can be practised on Sumdog. Sumdog logins will be sent home with children in week commencing 23rd September. 

Spellings: On Wednesday, children will be tested and the new spellings will be put on this year 2 page, please scroll down for the weekly spellings.

Reading: Please ensure you read with your child at least five times a week, for ten minutes at a time. Please sign the reading record book, writing any observations.

Deepen your child's understanding of the text by: asking questions, researching new, interesting words in a dictionary or developing inference skills: 'Why?' or 'What do you think happens next?'



Term 3, Week 5 Optional Maths Practice 2


Term 3, Week 5 Optional Maths Practice 1


Term 3, Week 4 Optional Maths practice


Term 3, Week 3:Optional Maths Practice

Term 3, Week 2 Optional Maths practice 2/2


Term 3, Week 2 Optional Maths practice 1/2


Spring 1 Enquiry based activities


Term 3, Week 1 Optional Maths practice


Spring 1 Enquiry Overview


Term 2: Weeks 4 and 5: Nativity lines


Term 2, Week 4 Optional Maths practice


Term 2, Week 3 Optional Maths practice 2


Term 2, Week 3 Optional Maths practice 1

St. Elizabeth Class Mass, Thursday 14th November 2024
Fr Eugene came in to celebrate Mass with us, to remember the Feast Day of our class Saint, St. Elizabeth. Everyone could recall lots of facts about her life and did very well in participating in the Mass by taking prayers, singing hymns and sharing gospel readings. It was a very special afternoon.

Fr Eugene came in to celebrate Mass with us, to remember the Feast Day of our class Saint, St. Elizabeth. Everyone could recall lots of facts about her life and did very well in participating in the Mass by taking prayers, singing hymns and sharing gospel readings. It was a very special afternoon.

Term 2, Week 1 Optional Maths practice 2


Term 2, Week 2 Optional Maths practice 1


Term 2 Enquiry Based Homework


Term 2, Week 1 Optional Maths practice - 4 sheets


Autumn 2 Enquiry Overview


Term 1, Week 7 Optional Maths practice 2


Term 1, Week 8 Optional Maths practice 2


Term 1, Week 8 Optional Maths practice 1


Term 1, Week 7 Optional Maths practice 1


Term 1, Week 6 Optional Maths practice 2


Term 1, Week 6 Optional Maths practice 1


Term 1: Enquiry based homework


Optional Maths Practice

This practice work complements the White Rose Maths block we are studying each week.

The question format is one which is familiar to your child through their daily learning.

For instance, the question may be Who is right – Amir or Jo?  Year 2 know that rather than answering simply with Yes/No, they need to explain their reasoning in writing – or verbally.

Each activity sheet is split into three sections, 'Diving', 'Deeper' and 'Deepest', which are represented by the following icons:

The activities provide challenge for those working towards, or at, mastery, and for those children working at greater depth.

Term 1 Week 5 Optional Maths practice 2


Term 1, Week 5 Optional Maths practice 1

Our Class Blog 2024-25
No data

Look what we did when we were in Year 1 - 2021/2022

29th April 2022

,We wrote a letter and invited our parents and families to an African WOW hour afternoon.  This was to begin our Geography topic looking at Kenya. We made African necklaces, similar to those worn by the Masai Tribe. It was so much fun making these, and we think they all looked amazing!

Thursday 12th May 2022

Here are some pictures of us estimating and measuring the capacity of different containers. Luckily, it was sunny, so we could do it outside. It was great fun! We are now understanding the difference between ‘Capacity’ and ‘Volume’. 


May 2022

In year 1 we have started our topic on mass- weighing and comparing different objects. Here is our first lesson comparing objects and making sentences using the words 'heavier', 'lighter' and 'equal weight' to describe the scales. 

Monday 7th March 2022- Fairy Tale WOW day!

In Year 1 we had a FABULOUS day celebrating all things FAIRY-TALE! We all dressed up to begin out new topic 'Traditional tales'. We had to predict what had happened to the mess in the classroom when we came into class, write a Wanted! Poster to find the Big, Bad Wolf, follow clues to find the key features of a fairy tale AND WE SAW THE BIG BAD WOLF!!! We also made Rice Krispie Marshmallow wands and so much more... What a fun way to start our new topic!

Thursday 3rd March- World Book Day.

We had such a fun day celebrating books, dressing up and enjoying all that reading has to offer! We had clues to uncover about a book, before unwrapping our book 'Little Red Reading hood'. We enjoyed reading this different version of 'Little Red Riding hood' and thinking about what the wolf will do at the end of the story. 

We also created a tally chart on our favourite books.

Litter Picking

Year 1 have been doing their part to help keep the school grounds clean and tidy.

Creating different textures using ink and rollers, and oil pastels.    

During Anti-bullying week, we looked at a book called ‘Kindness Grows’ by Britta Teckentrup. This book is all about how when we are unkind a crack can grow in our friendship, but when we are kind and do thoughtful actions, a kindness tree grows. It taught us also that we can always change and turn the crack into a kindness tree.  

After looking at the book, we decided to do some art, creating different textures on paper using printing ink and oil pastels. We used printing ink to create the backgrounds. We then used ink and oil pastels on paper to cut out shapes to make leaves and clouds to copy the style of the illustrations in the book. It was good fun.  

God's wonderful world


During reflection, we discussed all the different parts of God’s creation that we are grateful for. We then went outside and created a wonder bracelet with wonderful parts of God’s creation that we stuck to the bracelet. It made us really appreciate our wonderful world.  


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Friday 12th November 2021 - Road Safety

Today we had a virtual assembly on Road Safety and Be Bright, Be Seen. We then thought carefully about how we could design a school bag to keep children safe when walking to school in the winter mornings and afternoons now that it is darker! Here are some of our designs! We even added some reflective, shiny card to our designs!


Thursday 4th November 2021 - Understand Diwali, and the meaning of Rangoli patterns

We really enjoyed learning about Diwali. Some of us were really knowledgeable and they told us some interesting facts about Diwali. We then looked at Rangoli patterns and discussed how beautiful they were. We then thought about how we can create similar patterns using nature. It was a lovely autumn afternoon, however the wind did keep blowing our creations away. We still enjoyed ourselves lots though! 

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Monday 13th September - Learning about the United Kingdom

We were given some different cards that matched to the 4 countries in the United Kingdom. We had to work out which cards matched England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The cards contained the country’s flag, symbol capital city and location in the UK. It was quite tricky but we persevered.

Webbs Wood Road, Bradley Stoke, Bristol , BS32 8EJ
01454 866390

    St ELIZABETH'S Class (Year 2) 2024/2025   


Welcome to Year 2!

We hope you enjoy looking at our class page. This is where you will find all of the useful details about the year including curriculum information, important dates, and a diary of our learning. 



Meet the team

Mrs. Woolley

Miss Eatherington

Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Hodges

Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Sweeney



PE Days

Wednesday and Friday



Maths: Year 2 are expected to know and rapidly recall the 2, 5 and 10 times tables by the end of the academic year. These can be practised on Sumdog. Sumdog logins will be sent home with children in week commencing 23rd September. 

Spellings: On Wednesday, children will be tested and the new spellings will be put on this year 2 page, please scroll down for the weekly spellings.

Reading: Please ensure you read with your child at least five times a week, for ten minutes at a time. Please sign the reading record book, writing any observations.

Deepen your child's understanding of the text by: asking questions, researching new, interesting words in a dictionary or developing inference skills: 'Why?' or 'What do you think happens next?'



Term 3, Week 5 Optional Maths Practice 2


Term 3, Week 5 Optional Maths Practice 1


Term 3, Week 4 Optional Maths practice


Term 3, Week 3:Optional Maths Practice

Term 3, Week 2 Optional Maths practice 2/2


Term 3, Week 2 Optional Maths practice 1/2


Spring 1 Enquiry based activities


Term 3, Week 1 Optional Maths practice


Spring 1 Enquiry Overview


Term 2: Weeks 4 and 5: Nativity lines


Term 2, Week 4 Optional Maths practice


Term 2, Week 3 Optional Maths practice 2


Term 2, Week 3 Optional Maths practice 1

St. Elizabeth Class Mass, Thursday 14th November 2024
Fr Eugene came in to celebrate Mass with us, to remember the Feast Day of our class Saint, St. Elizabeth. Everyone could recall lots of facts about her life and did very well in participating in the Mass by taking prayers, singing hymns and sharing gospel readings. It was a very special afternoon.

Fr Eugene came in to celebrate Mass with us, to remember the Feast Day of our class Saint, St. Elizabeth. Everyone could recall lots of facts about her life and did very well in participating in the Mass by taking prayers, singing hymns and sharing gospel readings. It was a very special afternoon.

Term 2, Week 1 Optional Maths practice 2


Term 2, Week 2 Optional Maths practice 1


Term 2 Enquiry Based Homework


Term 2, Week 1 Optional Maths practice - 4 sheets


Autumn 2 Enquiry Overview


Term 1, Week 7 Optional Maths practice 2


Term 1, Week 8 Optional Maths practice 2


Term 1, Week 8 Optional Maths practice 1


Term 1, Week 7 Optional Maths practice 1


Term 1, Week 6 Optional Maths practice 2


Term 1, Week 6 Optional Maths practice 1


Term 1: Enquiry based homework


Optional Maths Practice

This practice work complements the White Rose Maths block we are studying each week.

The question format is one which is familiar to your child through their daily learning.

For instance, the question may be Who is right – Amir or Jo?  Year 2 know that rather than answering simply with Yes/No, they need to explain their reasoning in writing – or verbally.

Each activity sheet is split into three sections, 'Diving', 'Deeper' and 'Deepest', which are represented by the following icons:

The activities provide challenge for those working towards, or at, mastery, and for those children working at greater depth.

Term 1 Week 5 Optional Maths practice 2


Term 1, Week 5 Optional Maths practice 1

Our Class Blog 2024-25
No data

Look what we did when we were in Year 1 - 2021/2022

29th April 2022

,We wrote a letter and invited our parents and families to an African WOW hour afternoon.  This was to begin our Geography topic looking at Kenya. We made African necklaces, similar to those worn by the Masai Tribe. It was so much fun making these, and we think they all looked amazing!

Thursday 12th May 2022

Here are some pictures of us estimating and measuring the capacity of different containers. Luckily, it was sunny, so we could do it outside. It was great fun! We are now understanding the difference between ‘Capacity’ and ‘Volume’. 


May 2022

In year 1 we have started our topic on mass- weighing and comparing different objects. Here is our first lesson comparing objects and making sentences using the words 'heavier', 'lighter' and 'equal weight' to describe the scales. 

Monday 7th March 2022- Fairy Tale WOW day!

In Year 1 we had a FABULOUS day celebrating all things FAIRY-TALE! We all dressed up to begin out new topic 'Traditional tales'. We had to predict what had happened to the mess in the classroom when we came into class, write a Wanted! Poster to find the Big, Bad Wolf, follow clues to find the key features of a fairy tale AND WE SAW THE BIG BAD WOLF!!! We also made Rice Krispie Marshmallow wands and so much more... What a fun way to start our new topic!

Thursday 3rd March- World Book Day.

We had such a fun day celebrating books, dressing up and enjoying all that reading has to offer! We had clues to uncover about a book, before unwrapping our book 'Little Red Reading hood'. We enjoyed reading this different version of 'Little Red Riding hood' and thinking about what the wolf will do at the end of the story. 

We also created a tally chart on our favourite books.

Litter Picking

Year 1 have been doing their part to help keep the school grounds clean and tidy.

Creating different textures using ink and rollers, and oil pastels.    

During Anti-bullying week, we looked at a book called ‘Kindness Grows’ by Britta Teckentrup. This book is all about how when we are unkind a crack can grow in our friendship, but when we are kind and do thoughtful actions, a kindness tree grows. It taught us also that we can always change and turn the crack into a kindness tree.  

After looking at the book, we decided to do some art, creating different textures on paper using printing ink and oil pastels. We used printing ink to create the backgrounds. We then used ink and oil pastels on paper to cut out shapes to make leaves and clouds to copy the style of the illustrations in the book. It was good fun.  

God's wonderful world


During reflection, we discussed all the different parts of God’s creation that we are grateful for. We then went outside and created a wonder bracelet with wonderful parts of God’s creation that we stuck to the bracelet. It made us really appreciate our wonderful world.  


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Friday 12th November 2021 - Road Safety

Today we had a virtual assembly on Road Safety and Be Bright, Be Seen. We then thought carefully about how we could design a school bag to keep children safe when walking to school in the winter mornings and afternoons now that it is darker! Here are some of our designs! We even added some reflective, shiny card to our designs!


Thursday 4th November 2021 - Understand Diwali, and the meaning of Rangoli patterns

We really enjoyed learning about Diwali. Some of us were really knowledgeable and they told us some interesting facts about Diwali. We then looked at Rangoli patterns and discussed how beautiful they were. We then thought about how we can create similar patterns using nature. It was a lovely autumn afternoon, however the wind did keep blowing our creations away. We still enjoyed ourselves lots though! 

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Monday 13th September - Learning about the United Kingdom

We were given some different cards that matched to the 4 countries in the United Kingdom. We had to work out which cards matched England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The cards contained the country’s flag, symbol capital city and location in the UK. It was quite tricky but we persevered.