At St Mary’s we regularly assess the pupils using formative and summative assessments. Summative assessments are tests carried out in test conditions and formative assessments are ongoing assessments made by teachers from ongoing knowledge of the child, observations and marking. By tracking children’s progress it allows us to recognise their achievements and identify areas that need further focus and support.
We share the progress a child is making at the two Parent Consultation Evenings we have every year, followed by a formal written report in the summer term. These are also opportunities to also feedback on the other achievements of each child and how we have seen them develop as learners and as a young person. In response to the annual parental survey we now have book viewing on a Thursday after school. This provides parents the opportunity to view their child’s work if they wish. Parents may also make an appointment with the class teacher throughout the year to discuss any concerns that they may have.
Formal Assessments
Although we regularly review the progress of children within the classroom, there is also a statutory requirement for children to be assessed at different times in their school life.
In Year 1 all children are assessed using the National Phonics Screening Test which will identify attainment against national standards and where further support is needed. Those who do not meet the nationally-determined pass mark will retake the test in Year 2. In 2017 and 2018, 100% of pupils achieved the pass mark in the test. In 2022, the pass rate was 96.6%.
In Years 2 and 6, all pupils sit tests in Reading, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar and Maths, in order to benchmark their progress against national standards. In Year 2 the tests are currently marked by the teachers, whereas in Year 6 these tests are marked externally. Writing is assessed by school staff but is also moderated with other local schools and with Local Authority Advisers. In 2018 our school was externally moderated for both KS2 and EYFS. We have been identified as a school demonstrating best practice in terms of the teaching and assessment of writing in KS2. Science is also assessed using a combination of ongoing teacher assessments and standardised assessments.
Year 4 also sit a multiplication test, to assess their knowledge of times tables.
St Mary’s works very hard to ensure that the children are well prepared for the tests, as well as being provided with a broad and balanced curriculum. Children are well prepared for the next phase of learning.
Reasons for assessment
The Governors have approved the following principles for assessing the pupils in our school.
These principles underpin how our school will assess all children throughout their school career. Staff CPD training will be at the heart of this process.
We believe that: