Welcome to Year 6!
We hope you enjoy looking at our class page. This is where you will find all of the useful details about the year including curriculum information, important dates, and a diary of our learning.
Meet the team
Class Teachers - Mrs Webster (Mon - Wed) and Mrs George (Wed - Fri)
PE Days
Monday- Mr Taylor
Wednesday- Mrs George or Mrs Webster
Please make sure you are wearing the correct PE uniform and any earings can either be removed or covered up.
Pencil cases are not needed in the classroom, we will provide the writing equipment they need. Some children like to bring in their own colouring pencils, this is fine but should be kept in their bags until needed.
We expect pupils to be reading 5 times a week, can parents please sign the reading records to say they have seen/heard this. This will be checked by Mrs Webster on Mondays.
Please choose 6 or 7 words from the year 5/6 list below to work on at home over the year. We will be learning spelling patterns and rules in class time.
Maths homework will be set each Friday to be completed by the following Friday, this homework will be set via Sumdog.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Year 6 Homework food miles.docx | .docx |
Homework- week 4
Reading ( please get your book signed) and Sumdog
Research for the biography you are writing. You will have chosen someone who experienced WWII that you are interested in and will be researching in class. Use homework time to look at this and find more information about their life.
Enquiry- make a poster about what healthy eating means to you. A4 size only please.
Due: Wednesday 5th February
Mock SATs next week
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
t2-par-138-year-6-spelling-practice-activity-pack-english.zip | .zip |
You can choose some of the spellings to work on. You do not need to do all of them. We have mainly been working on suffixes so look at those or the first 20 Year5/6 words.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
KS2 Three Star Narrative Pack - The Light.pdf |
Homework- Spring Term- Week 1
Book Review- please write a review of something you read over the Christmas holidays. We have already looked at different ways these can be presented. You can use lunch times if needed. Aim for about a page. Ask if you are unsure.
Due in: Monday 13th January
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Snapchat - A Guide for Parents ad Carers - Silly School Education.pdf | |||
Whatsapp - A Guide for Parents and Carers - Silly School Education.pdf |
Termly Enquiry
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Spring Term 2 Overview Enquiry year 6.docx | .docx |
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Termly overview Geographers.docx | .docx |
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Parents info Meeting 2024.pptx | .pptx | ||
Year 6 Information for Parents 2024.doc | .doc |
What are we going to cover this year?
See below for our Long Term plan for Year 6 in each subject.
Our Class Blog 2024- 2025
We would both like to say a massive thank you for your beautiful and generous gifts. We really appreciate them. THANK YOU.
We wish you and your families a very Happy Christmas and we will see you all in the New Year.
Mrs Webster and Mrs George
Homework- Due 2.12.24
Research a Victorian inventor/invention and produce and information poster to bring into school. If you need any resources from school, please ask.
We can offer lunch times for you to complete this. We expect everyone to do this.
In our first Music lesson of Year 6 we learnt to sing Ghost Parade as well as learn to play the glockenspiels in four different parts! Well done Year 6!
Our Class Blog 2023-2024
In our RE lessons we have begun the topic of Lent - we began with creating our own wordles with all the different things we associated with Lent. The words in purple are words we have added as we've worked through the lesson. This is Adeline's Lent wordle.
Historic England
Today, Michael Gorely from Historic England came to visit us and talk about our local area during WW2. This links in with some of our Enquiry work as we were using historical maps to identify features. We have also been looking at stories set in this time period in our English lessons as well. We really enjoyed learning about how important Bristol and the local area was during the 1940s.
Some of the children planned their own reflection for KS2 based on the Feast of the Epiphany. They created a calm atmosphere with Natalia playing the piano and ran the whole reflection by themselves. Well done St. Francis Class!
Carol Service 2023
What an amazing service last night! We are all so proud of the children for their remarkable readings, beautiful singing and excellent behaviour, What a wonderful way to spend an evening and it certainly made us all feel Christmassy. Here are some photographs from the rehearsal. Well done children! Thank you parents for attending and a BIG thanks to Mrs George for playing the piano and organising all the amazing singing.
Year 6 Advent Reflection
Year 6 joined up with year 3 today to plan and prepare an Advent Reflection around the theme of John the Baptist. There was some beautiful singing and lots of lovely prayers. Well done year 6 for supporting year 3 in this.
Climate Change Workshop-Part 2
We have been lucky enough to welcome back Lydia and Kate (via Zoom) from the Centre for Sustainable Energy.
Again we used our knowledge of the causes of climate change, to plan how we can use more renewable energy in our local area. We focused on wind turbines, hydro power, biogas and solar panels or farms. St Francis class enjoyed thinking about what was more important, our green space or making space for wind turbines. We had some great discussions and wrote proposals on what each group thought was best.
Day 2 of our engineering project and the cars are looking good. We have added pulleys and belts, plus created a circuit to power the car. This will allow the car to travel forwards and backwards. What an amazing bunch of engineers we have in year 6.
BIG thanks to Darren who has helped us with this project.
We are Engineers!
Today was the first day of our engineering project to build a moving car.
Darren Kewley from MOD came in to support us and teach us how to use various tools.
We will be continuing this tomorrow so watch this space. Here are some pictures from today:
Monday 13th November to Friday 17th November- AntiBullying Week
In year 6 we watched the BBC Teach Make a Noise about Bullying. We discussed the difference between bullying and banter.
We also discussed online bullying and what we would do if we found ourselves in a situation of experiencing bullying or seeing someone else being bullied.
We created our own slogan or poem to remind us that bullying is not something that we should just put up with!
Some great discussions this week.
Enquiry- States of Being- Historian and Engineer
We looked at the roles of architects, inventors and engineers and discussed what each of them involved. We then had a go at building some structures only using marshmallows and spaghetti. This was harder than it looks and we had a range of successes!
November 2023
Climate Change letter
We were very excited last week to recieve some replies to our letters. We recieved a letter from Downing Street and from our local MPs office in the House of Commons!
We feel like our letters may make a difference and show that anyone can be involved in making the community better.
October 2023
In the last week of term, we had a very exciting week with a visit to Lifeskills in Bristol and a Climate Change Workshop provided by the Centre for Sustainable Energy.
Climate Change
We discussed different kinds of fuels that have an impact on our climate and what the alternatives are. Then we used large maps of Bradley Stoke to decide what improvements could be made, to make our local area a better place for the environment. As we were so passiomate about our ideas, we decided to write to our school governors, local MP and the Prime Minister. Let's hope we get some replies!
Life Skills
This is an amazing opportunity for us to learn how to deal with different situations that may occur such as if we find someone injured or if we discovered a fire. The site offers lots of different scenerios and we all enjoyed it. Mrs George and Mrs Webster loved being on the phone, answering 999 calls!
September 2023
We celebrated our class Saint - Saint Francis - with Father Eugene with a Mass in our classroom.
Welcome to Year 6!
We hope you enjoy looking at our class page. This is where you will find all of the useful details about the year including curriculum information, important dates, and a diary of our learning.
Meet the team
Class Teachers - Mrs Webster (Mon - Wed) and Mrs George (Wed - Fri)
PE Days
Monday- Mr Taylor
Wednesday- Mrs George or Mrs Webster
Please make sure you are wearing the correct PE uniform and any earings can either be removed or covered up.
Pencil cases are not needed in the classroom, we will provide the writing equipment they need. Some children like to bring in their own colouring pencils, this is fine but should be kept in their bags until needed.
We expect pupils to be reading 5 times a week, can parents please sign the reading records to say they have seen/heard this. This will be checked by Mrs Webster on Mondays.
Please choose 6 or 7 words from the year 5/6 list below to work on at home over the year. We will be learning spelling patterns and rules in class time.
Maths homework will be set each Friday to be completed by the following Friday, this homework will be set via Sumdog.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Year 6 Homework food miles.docx | .docx |
Homework- week 4
Reading ( please get your book signed) and Sumdog
Research for the biography you are writing. You will have chosen someone who experienced WWII that you are interested in and will be researching in class. Use homework time to look at this and find more information about their life.
Enquiry- make a poster about what healthy eating means to you. A4 size only please.
Due: Wednesday 5th February
Mock SATs next week
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
t2-par-138-year-6-spelling-practice-activity-pack-english.zip | .zip |
You can choose some of the spellings to work on. You do not need to do all of them. We have mainly been working on suffixes so look at those or the first 20 Year5/6 words.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
KS2 Three Star Narrative Pack - The Light.pdf |
Homework- Spring Term- Week 1
Book Review- please write a review of something you read over the Christmas holidays. We have already looked at different ways these can be presented. You can use lunch times if needed. Aim for about a page. Ask if you are unsure.
Due in: Monday 13th January
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Snapchat - A Guide for Parents ad Carers - Silly School Education.pdf | |||
Whatsapp - A Guide for Parents and Carers - Silly School Education.pdf |
Termly Enquiry
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Spring Term 2 Overview Enquiry year 6.docx | .docx |
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Termly overview Geographers.docx | .docx |
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Parents info Meeting 2024.pptx | .pptx | ||
Year 6 Information for Parents 2024.doc | .doc |
What are we going to cover this year?
See below for our Long Term plan for Year 6 in each subject.
Our Class Blog 2024- 2025
We would both like to say a massive thank you for your beautiful and generous gifts. We really appreciate them. THANK YOU.
We wish you and your families a very Happy Christmas and we will see you all in the New Year.
Mrs Webster and Mrs George
Homework- Due 2.12.24
Research a Victorian inventor/invention and produce and information poster to bring into school. If you need any resources from school, please ask.
We can offer lunch times for you to complete this. We expect everyone to do this.
In our first Music lesson of Year 6 we learnt to sing Ghost Parade as well as learn to play the glockenspiels in four different parts! Well done Year 6!
Our Class Blog 2023-2024
In our RE lessons we have begun the topic of Lent - we began with creating our own wordles with all the different things we associated with Lent. The words in purple are words we have added as we've worked through the lesson. This is Adeline's Lent wordle.
Historic England
Today, Michael Gorely from Historic England came to visit us and talk about our local area during WW2. This links in with some of our Enquiry work as we were using historical maps to identify features. We have also been looking at stories set in this time period in our English lessons as well. We really enjoyed learning about how important Bristol and the local area was during the 1940s.
Some of the children planned their own reflection for KS2 based on the Feast of the Epiphany. They created a calm atmosphere with Natalia playing the piano and ran the whole reflection by themselves. Well done St. Francis Class!
Carol Service 2023
What an amazing service last night! We are all so proud of the children for their remarkable readings, beautiful singing and excellent behaviour, What a wonderful way to spend an evening and it certainly made us all feel Christmassy. Here are some photographs from the rehearsal. Well done children! Thank you parents for attending and a BIG thanks to Mrs George for playing the piano and organising all the amazing singing.
Year 6 Advent Reflection
Year 6 joined up with year 3 today to plan and prepare an Advent Reflection around the theme of John the Baptist. There was some beautiful singing and lots of lovely prayers. Well done year 6 for supporting year 3 in this.
Climate Change Workshop-Part 2
We have been lucky enough to welcome back Lydia and Kate (via Zoom) from the Centre for Sustainable Energy.
Again we used our knowledge of the causes of climate change, to plan how we can use more renewable energy in our local area. We focused on wind turbines, hydro power, biogas and solar panels or farms. St Francis class enjoyed thinking about what was more important, our green space or making space for wind turbines. We had some great discussions and wrote proposals on what each group thought was best.
Day 2 of our engineering project and the cars are looking good. We have added pulleys and belts, plus created a circuit to power the car. This will allow the car to travel forwards and backwards. What an amazing bunch of engineers we have in year 6.
BIG thanks to Darren who has helped us with this project.
We are Engineers!
Today was the first day of our engineering project to build a moving car.
Darren Kewley from MOD came in to support us and teach us how to use various tools.
We will be continuing this tomorrow so watch this space. Here are some pictures from today:
Monday 13th November to Friday 17th November- AntiBullying Week
In year 6 we watched the BBC Teach Make a Noise about Bullying. We discussed the difference between bullying and banter.
We also discussed online bullying and what we would do if we found ourselves in a situation of experiencing bullying or seeing someone else being bullied.
We created our own slogan or poem to remind us that bullying is not something that we should just put up with!
Some great discussions this week.
Enquiry- States of Being- Historian and Engineer
We looked at the roles of architects, inventors and engineers and discussed what each of them involved. We then had a go at building some structures only using marshmallows and spaghetti. This was harder than it looks and we had a range of successes!
November 2023
Climate Change letter
We were very excited last week to recieve some replies to our letters. We recieved a letter from Downing Street and from our local MPs office in the House of Commons!
We feel like our letters may make a difference and show that anyone can be involved in making the community better.
October 2023
In the last week of term, we had a very exciting week with a visit to Lifeskills in Bristol and a Climate Change Workshop provided by the Centre for Sustainable Energy.
Climate Change
We discussed different kinds of fuels that have an impact on our climate and what the alternatives are. Then we used large maps of Bradley Stoke to decide what improvements could be made, to make our local area a better place for the environment. As we were so passiomate about our ideas, we decided to write to our school governors, local MP and the Prime Minister. Let's hope we get some replies!
Life Skills
This is an amazing opportunity for us to learn how to deal with different situations that may occur such as if we find someone injured or if we discovered a fire. The site offers lots of different scenerios and we all enjoyed it. Mrs George and Mrs Webster loved being on the phone, answering 999 calls!
September 2023
We celebrated our class Saint - Saint Francis - with Father Eugene with a Mass in our classroom.