Webbs Wood Road, Bradley Stoke, Bristol , BS32 8EJ
01454 866390

All Things Financial       

This page contains information on:-

      • ParentMail
      • Benchmarking
      • Charges and Remissions
      • Staffing
      • Voluntary Contributions and Gift Aid


We use ParentMail as both our communication and payment package.  A parental account is set up when a child starts at school and it is through the ParentMail app that all charges and contributions are made, including school meals, trips, clubs, music lessons and breakfast club. 

Further information can be found on the link below:-

Help for Parents Information


St Mary's Catholic Primary School is funded by the Government and therefore its finances are public money . We work to esnure that the funding is used to provide pupils with the best possible support and educational outcomes, providing high quality teaching in a safe and welcoming environment. To ensure best value for money, we regularly monitor the school budget. An important tool is benchmarking, where we are able to compare our income and expenditure against other similar schools, locally and nationally. This allows us to compare areas such as staffing, educational resources and premises costs. 

The Department of Education's benchmarking data for St Mary's can be found here:-

St Mary's Catholic Primary School Benchmarking Information


It is statutory regulation that we must publish online details of any employees that earn over £100,000 per annum. There are no employees with this criteria at our school.