At St. Mary's, we've taken the initiative to establish a Mini Vinnies Conference (group) for our children. This program is designed to provide our children with unique opportunities to put their faith into action, positively impact the lives of others in our community, and nurture important skills like leadership and empathy.
Much like their patron and the founder of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, these Mini Vinnies are dedicated to placing our Catholic faith at the core of their actions, striving to translate their faith into meaningful deeds.
Our Mini Vinnies meet regularly, weekly or fortnightly, meetings. During these gatherings, they discuss the needs of both our local community and the wider world. Together, they brainstorm and plan ways to address these needs in the most appropriate and meaningful manner.
The Minnie Vinnies are growing!
If you would like to join our Mini Vinnie team and are in year 1 to year 5, come and ask Mrs Hodges, Mrs Power or Ms Dunt for a joining form.
New members are always welcome to join our friendly group. We meet on Tuesdays 3.30pm - 4.30pm.
This week, Mini Vinnies teamed up with Chaplaincy club to write prayers for Pope Francis' 5 Finger prayer. This is for the the year of Prayer. You can come and read some of them in the school hall and corridor.
Mini Vinnies are back for another year ready to help our community and raise money for our charities.
Over the last few weeks we were thinking about how we can spread God's word. We made our tree into a Good News Tree with lots ideas on how we already spread His good news and actions we can take.
It's only the start of term and already Vinnie Bear has helped our Mini Vinnies to donate clothes, buy food and donate it to a local food bank and make a bird house. Well done Mini Vinnies keep up the good work!
Mini Vinnies lead the school Rosary Assembly. We told the school about how the SVP say the Rosary every day in May. We showed them the big Rosary beads and explained about the decades and showed pictures of the Mysteries of the Rosary.
This term Vinnie Bear went to different homes and helped with their act of kindness
As we are in the month of May, we looked into the prayers of the Rosary and practiced how to say it.
Because May is the month of Mary, in preparation for our Mary Assembly, we found out about the 20 decades of the Rosary and learned about the 4 Mysteries of the Rosary.
We lead the assembly today for the whole of KS2.
This week we talked about the Ascension of Jesus to help us prepare for our assembly next week.
On Friday we joined with Chaplaincy club and walked to our local care home - Osbourne Court in Stoke Gifford.
We took playing cards, dominoes and snakes and ladders to play with residents. We ejoyed snacks and drinks with them before it was time to go home.
This week we remembered St Vincent de Paul and Frederic Ozanam as it was both their birthdays this week. We also made thank you cards for our visit to Osbourne Court on Friday.
MIni Vinnies preformed the first seven Stations of the Cross for the whole school.
We waned to show the school the different ways we can prepare for Easter during Lent- Pray, Fast and Give.
Vinnie Bear is inspriing our Mini Vinnies to display acts of kindness.
Mini Vinnies had a 'Stations of the Cross' brainstorm. This refreshed all our memories and helped us remember what they are, how many there are and which order they go in.
This week we were able to get outside to make a start clearing up our peace garden ready for planting spring flowers.
Each week Vinnie Bear is taken home with one of our Mini Vinnies to take part in an act of kindness. This week Vinnie helped to donate old clothes, toys and books to a charity shop.
St Brigid's crosses
This week our Mini Vinnies had a go at making a St Brigid's Cross ahead of her feast day on the 1st february. They learnt that the cross is hung over the door way to keep evil, fire and hunger from the home.
Today we had a visit from Martin who is the Rresident of the SVP at Holy Family. He came to thank us for our support with the Christmas Hamper appeal.
On Tuesday, the 5th December our Mini Vinnies took a trip to Holy Family Church where they met up with some of the SVP group. They handed over the food they bought with the money raised from their movie night and helped fill the Christmas Hampers for families who need them. Thank you to the Mini Vinnie parents and grandparents who helped with transporting our Mini Vinnies to the church, without you this would not have been possible.
This week some of our Mini Vinnies used the money we raised from our movie night and shopped for christmas goodies to put into the Christmas hampers.
On Friday 24th November the Mini Vinnies held a movie night to raise money for the SVP Christmas Hamper appeal. We raised a whopping £500. We are grateful for the support of our parents and proud to recognise the outstanding efforts of our Minnie Vinnies.
Mrs Norton from Holy Family SVP group popped in to our meeting to have a look at the work we were doing. We were busy making Christmas cards for the Christmas hamper appeal and making Advent bags for every class in the school.
Earlier this term we had a visit from Martin Ameggashitsi the president of Holy Family Catholic Church St. Vincent de Paul Group and group members Jane and Sonia. They came to tell us about the good work the SVP group does in and around our community.
We prayed together, talked about our projects and how they are linked with the whole international SVP Charitable Organisation.
We are joing our local community in the Bradley Stoke Scarecrow Trail.
We have made our own scarecrow! Our theme is Poland. We researched famous Polish people and chose the musical composer Chopin to base our scarecrow on.
We had fun making his costume, musical notes, finding out how far Poland is from here- and not forgetting the fun we had stuffing him.
Congratulations to our wonderful Mini Vinnie's!
We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to our dedicated Minnie Vinnies, who were commissioned into their roles this week. Their commitment to service and charity work is truly commendable. They haven’t been in post long, but they have already been active in school and have successfully organised their first event – a movie night!
Well done to our amazing Mini Vinnies for raising over £300 at your recent movie night.
You are already demonstrating great dedication to making a positive impact within our community. The funds raised will go
towards supporting the invaluable work of Bristol Cares. We are grateful for the unwavering support of our parents and proud to recognise the outstanding efforts of our Minnie Vinnies in their pursuit of excellence in both faith and service.
This week, our school community has witnessed the power of compassion and service in action. We have had several examples of spontaneous service and community work over this term already and we are really proud of the choices some
students are making. The Mini Vinnies are working hard with the Chaplaincy team to revamp the peace garden.
The Mini Vinnies are growing!
Some of the Mini Vinnies leadership team elected some new members of the Mini Vinnies. Well done to: Joey, Lola, Josie Miracle, Rosie and Myiesha.
At St. Mary's, we've taken the initiative to establish a Mini Vinnies Conference (group) for our children. This program is designed to provide our children with unique opportunities to put their faith into action, positively impact the lives of others in our community, and nurture important skills like leadership and empathy.
Much like their patron and the founder of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, these Mini Vinnies are dedicated to placing our Catholic faith at the core of their actions, striving to translate their faith into meaningful deeds.
Our Mini Vinnies meet regularly, weekly or fortnightly, meetings. During these gatherings, they discuss the needs of both our local community and the wider world. Together, they brainstorm and plan ways to address these needs in the most appropriate and meaningful manner.
The Minnie Vinnies are growing!
If you would like to join our Mini Vinnie team and are in year 1 to year 5, come and ask Mrs Hodges, Mrs Power or Ms Dunt for a joining form.
New members are always welcome to join our friendly group. We meet on Tuesdays 3.30pm - 4.30pm.
This week, Mini Vinnies teamed up with Chaplaincy club to write prayers for Pope Francis' 5 Finger prayer. This is for the the year of Prayer. You can come and read some of them in the school hall and corridor.
Mini Vinnies are back for another year ready to help our community and raise money for our charities.
Over the last few weeks we were thinking about how we can spread God's word. We made our tree into a Good News Tree with lots ideas on how we already spread His good news and actions we can take.
It's only the start of term and already Vinnie Bear has helped our Mini Vinnies to donate clothes, buy food and donate it to a local food bank and make a bird house. Well done Mini Vinnies keep up the good work!
Mini Vinnies lead the school Rosary Assembly. We told the school about how the SVP say the Rosary every day in May. We showed them the big Rosary beads and explained about the decades and showed pictures of the Mysteries of the Rosary.
This term Vinnie Bear went to different homes and helped with their act of kindness
As we are in the month of May, we looked into the prayers of the Rosary and practiced how to say it.
Because May is the month of Mary, in preparation for our Mary Assembly, we found out about the 20 decades of the Rosary and learned about the 4 Mysteries of the Rosary.
We lead the assembly today for the whole of KS2.
This week we talked about the Ascension of Jesus to help us prepare for our assembly next week.
On Friday we joined with Chaplaincy club and walked to our local care home - Osbourne Court in Stoke Gifford.
We took playing cards, dominoes and snakes and ladders to play with residents. We ejoyed snacks and drinks with them before it was time to go home.
This week we remembered St Vincent de Paul and Frederic Ozanam as it was both their birthdays this week. We also made thank you cards for our visit to Osbourne Court on Friday.
MIni Vinnies preformed the first seven Stations of the Cross for the whole school.
We waned to show the school the different ways we can prepare for Easter during Lent- Pray, Fast and Give.
Vinnie Bear is inspriing our Mini Vinnies to display acts of kindness.
Mini Vinnies had a 'Stations of the Cross' brainstorm. This refreshed all our memories and helped us remember what they are, how many there are and which order they go in.
This week we were able to get outside to make a start clearing up our peace garden ready for planting spring flowers.
Each week Vinnie Bear is taken home with one of our Mini Vinnies to take part in an act of kindness. This week Vinnie helped to donate old clothes, toys and books to a charity shop.
St Brigid's crosses
This week our Mini Vinnies had a go at making a St Brigid's Cross ahead of her feast day on the 1st february. They learnt that the cross is hung over the door way to keep evil, fire and hunger from the home.
Today we had a visit from Martin who is the Rresident of the SVP at Holy Family. He came to thank us for our support with the Christmas Hamper appeal.
On Tuesday, the 5th December our Mini Vinnies took a trip to Holy Family Church where they met up with some of the SVP group. They handed over the food they bought with the money raised from their movie night and helped fill the Christmas Hampers for families who need them. Thank you to the Mini Vinnie parents and grandparents who helped with transporting our Mini Vinnies to the church, without you this would not have been possible.
This week some of our Mini Vinnies used the money we raised from our movie night and shopped for christmas goodies to put into the Christmas hampers.
On Friday 24th November the Mini Vinnies held a movie night to raise money for the SVP Christmas Hamper appeal. We raised a whopping £500. We are grateful for the support of our parents and proud to recognise the outstanding efforts of our Minnie Vinnies.
Mrs Norton from Holy Family SVP group popped in to our meeting to have a look at the work we were doing. We were busy making Christmas cards for the Christmas hamper appeal and making Advent bags for every class in the school.
Earlier this term we had a visit from Martin Ameggashitsi the president of Holy Family Catholic Church St. Vincent de Paul Group and group members Jane and Sonia. They came to tell us about the good work the SVP group does in and around our community.
We prayed together, talked about our projects and how they are linked with the whole international SVP Charitable Organisation.
We are joing our local community in the Bradley Stoke Scarecrow Trail.
We have made our own scarecrow! Our theme is Poland. We researched famous Polish people and chose the musical composer Chopin to base our scarecrow on.
We had fun making his costume, musical notes, finding out how far Poland is from here- and not forgetting the fun we had stuffing him.
Congratulations to our wonderful Mini Vinnie's!
We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to our dedicated Minnie Vinnies, who were commissioned into their roles this week. Their commitment to service and charity work is truly commendable. They haven’t been in post long, but they have already been active in school and have successfully organised their first event – a movie night!
Well done to our amazing Mini Vinnies for raising over £300 at your recent movie night.
You are already demonstrating great dedication to making a positive impact within our community. The funds raised will go
towards supporting the invaluable work of Bristol Cares. We are grateful for the unwavering support of our parents and proud to recognise the outstanding efforts of our Minnie Vinnies in their pursuit of excellence in both faith and service.
This week, our school community has witnessed the power of compassion and service in action. We have had several examples of spontaneous service and community work over this term already and we are really proud of the choices some
students are making. The Mini Vinnies are working hard with the Chaplaincy team to revamp the peace garden.
The Mini Vinnies are growing!
Some of the Mini Vinnies leadership team elected some new members of the Mini Vinnies. Well done to: Joey, Lola, Josie Miracle, Rosie and Myiesha.