This policy outlines the commitment of the Staff and Governors to promote equality. This involves tackling the barriers which could lead to unequal outcomes so that there is equality of access and the diversity within the school community is celebrated and valued.
We believe that equality at our school should permeate all aspects of school life and is the responsibility of every member of the school and wider community. Every member of the school community should feel safe, secure, valued and of equal worth. At St Mary’s school, equality is a key principle for treating all people the same irrespective of their gender, ethnicity, disability, religious beliefs/faith tradition, sexual orientation, age or any other of the protected characteristics (Single Equalities Act 2010).
The main aim will be to reduce and, where possible, eliminate barriers to accessing the curriculum and buildings and for pupils to have full participation within the school community.
The school will consider the three main elements as stated in the Index for Inclusion within this scheme. The Duty states that a school must, in the exercise of its functions, have due regard to the need to:-
This policy complies with the statutory requirements set out in the Equality Act (2010) and in particular to the requirements of Schedule 10 of Equality Act relating to Accessibility for Disabled Pupils. The Equality Act can be accessed at:
To note: The Equality Act 2010 replaced all existing equality legislation, including the Disability Discrimination Act, and requires that schools do not discriminate because of disability, gender re-assignment, pregnancy and maternity, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.
The Equality's Policy and Plan should be read in conjunction with the school’s:
Monitoring and Review
The staff member responsible for co-ordinating the monitoring and evaluation is Kathy Burden. She will be responsible for:
Our Vision for Equality
Our aim is to provide education for all, acknowledging that the society within which we live is enriched by diversity.
We will strive to ensure that the culture and ethos of the school reflects and celebrates the diversity of ALL members of the school and wider community.
We will also seek to ensure that everyone is equally valued and treats one another with respect and fairness. Pupils and other members of the school community will be provided with the opportunity to experience, understand and celebrate diversity.
Our core values reflect those of our Mission.
They are:
We will proactively seek to review and restructure the cultures, policies and practices in school, so they can be welcoming and responsive to the full diversity of people locally, nationally and globally.
Promoting Equality: Curriculum
There is a consistently high expectation of all pupils regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, ability, social background and sexual orientation.
To secure the best possible outcomes we recognise that:
Promoting Equality: The ethos and culture of the school
Promoting Equality: Staff Recruitment and Professional Development
Promoting Equality: Countering and Challenging Harassment and Bullying
Promoting Equality: Partnerships with Parents/Carers and the Wider Community
St Mary’s School aims to work in partnership with parents/carers. We:
Promoting Equality: Information gathering
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School collects information from the stakeholders through the use of questionnaires and forms. Details will be taken from the new intake of pupils and their families and when new staff and governors join the school.
All questionnaires and forms will detail the need for the information and its confidential nature.
The information gathered will be on the following theme:
Responsibility for the Policy
In our school, all members of the school community have a responsibility for promoting equalities.
School Community |
Responsibility |
The Governing Body
The Head-teacher and Senior Leadership Team |
All school staff |
The implementation of the school’s equalities policy and schemes of work which promote it;;
Parents |
Pupils |
The whole school community will be aware of the Single Equality Policy through its publication on the school website.
Breaches to this policy will be dealt with in the same ways that breaches of other school policies are dealt with, as determined by the head teacher and governing body.
Monitor and Review
Objectives will be reviewed every three years, in relation to any changes in the school profile.
The following action plan has been formulated as a result of the involvement of a wide range and number of stakeholders.
Responsibility for the operational delivery of our action plan rests with all staff. The Head Teacher has responsibility to ensure that staff have the skills and knowledge to implement their responsibilities under this action plan. The delivery of the action plan is monitored by the Governors and SLT
Setting the main priorities and actions through to implementation
The information gathered will inform the action plan to ensure equality for all. This will include setting the main priorities for the school and identifying how they will be implemented.
The actions need to be clear with distinct success criteria and outcomes to enable all stakeholders to be included in all the school does. Note should be taken of the opportunities to Promote Equality of Opportunity at each stage of the process as well as identifying the barriers to success.
Access to the curriculum: |
Objective |
Action |
Requirements |
Timescale |
Success criteria |
To further embed Continued Professional Development for Teachers and TAs on ensuring there is equal access to the curriculum for all. |
SENCO to attend regular training and cascade information. SENCO to engage with other schools through the SEN Cluster 2 Network and share good practice on accessibility provision. |
The staff are able to meet the requirements of all pupils needs to access the curriculum. |
Ongoing |
Increased accessibility for children to enable them to access the curriculum. |
To develop pupil knowledge & understanding of disabilities |
Whole school Value and Gospel assemblies throughout the year which focus on treating all with respect. Weekly PSHE/ RSE lessons / class meetings |
Teaching must relate to our Mission and Values. Use of Jigsaw and Ten Ten Outside agency support if needed e.g sensory support service. |
Ongoing |
Children have knowledge of different learning needs and demonstrate understanding of this in class and in their interactions with other pupils |
To ensure early identification of and provision for pupil’s individual needs |
Implementation of SEN Policy SENCO staff meeting Use of referrals to SENDCO PPM x 2 year Use of outside agency support |
Training for SENCO and SEN support staff; staff knowledge of SEN Policy |
Ongoing |
All pupil’s have the fullest possible access to the curriculum and are able to reach their full potential |
To ensure all have equal access to all aspects of the curriculum and that all are making good progress. |
Identify trends in attainment for boys and girls, SEN, ethnic minorities, children with disabilities and FSM – identify gaps and work to close them for all groups. Evaluate the curriculum to ensure that it excites and motivates all groups. Continue to promote positive role models. |
Ongoing |
All are aware of the gaps in learning for different vulnerable groups. Plans to develop learning have a positive impact on learning and progress. The curriculum motivates and excites all pupils. |
Access to the information: |
Aim |
Action |
Requirements |
Timescale |
Success criteria |
To enable pupils and parents/carers to access written material in alternative formats when requested. |
The school will make itself aware of the services available through the LEA for converting written information into alternative formats. |
The school will be able to provide written information in different formats when required for individual purposes |
As necessary |
Parents/carers and children will be able to access information |
To enable Hearing Impaired Parents to feel included in Parents’ evenings. |
Short written statements will be provided to parents to enable them to access Parents’ evenings. Contact is made via email and text. |
As necessary |
Parents can attend Parent’s evening and be updated on their child’s progress. |
Make available school brochures, school newsletters and other information for parents in alternative formats where this is requested. |
Inform all parents that alternative formats are available for information on request. Statement on website. |
Information available for all |
As required according to need |
All Parents feel well informed about whole school life. |
Access to the physical environment: |
Aim |
Action |
Requirements |
Timescale |
Success criteria |
The school and its staff are aware of the access needs of disabled children and staff. This is reviewed on annual basis. |
Teachers to create PEPs (Personal evacuation plan) access plans for individual children if needed.
Undertake risk assessments for individual children and develop action plans if needed. Where staff need PEP, a plan should be created. |
Copies to be given to the SENDCO and to be kept in class SEND files. Staff working with the staff member needing a PEP should be informed. |
All children and staff working with them are safe and confident in event of emergency e.g. fire |
Educational visits, including trips, are planned to ensure the participation of the whole range of pupils, including those identified with SEND. |
Continue to review all out-of-school provision to ensure compliance with legislation and that all reasonable adaptions are made. 1:1 support continues to be provided for children with an EHC Plan Requirements for SEND to be identified within completed risk assessments. |
All out-of-school activities will be conducted in an inclusive environment with providers that comply with all current and future legislative requirements |
All children, including those identified with SEND can access educational visits. |
Wheelchair users can move around the site without hindrance. (See site plan) |
To ensure that a wheelchair user could access all areas of the school |
As necessary |
A disabled person could move around the site with ease. |
Classrooms are optimally organised and reviewed at the beginning of each year to promote the participation and independence of all pupils |
Review and implement a preferred layout of furniture and equipment to support the learning process in individual class bases as changes occur and as necessary. |
Ongoing |
Provide all pupils with full access to the National Curriculum within the classroom. |
To ensure existing accessible WC facilities at St Mary’s (for pupils, visitors and staff) can be accessed and used with ease |
Review as part of regular Health & Safety site inspections. |
To install emergency chord in accessible toilet |
Pupils, visitors and staff have easy access to WC/shower facilities.
Equalities |
Objective |
Action |
Requirement |
Time scale |
Success Criteria |
Involve School Council in democratic decision making. |
Involve School council in decision making over any issues which relate specifically to them, e.g. playground. |
Regular school council meetings. |
Ongoing – when necessary. |
School Council is taking an active role in decision making. |
Increased opportunities for children to discuss sensitive issues and feelings. |
Classes have developed ways to discuss sensitive issues.
Class Meetings Class worry box of feelings book. Communication with pupil mentor/parent link. Staff training, where appropriate. |
Ongoing |
There is a full awareness of the process involved in ensuring that children have the opportunity to discuss sensitive issues. Children feel comfortable about sharing their feelings. |
Ensure equality of opportunity at after school clubs.
Audit equity in terms of the participation rates of girls and boys in physical activity at after school sports clubs. Actively promote clubs to all groups and seek ways to ensure that all can be involved as much as possible. |
Monitor pupils attending after school clubs. Monitor range of activities available to different pupils. |
Take up of clubs is not inhibited by financial circumstance, gender, race or disability.
To actively celebrate different faiths |
Annual World Faiths Week. Assemblies with opportunities for children to lean when appropriate. |
Monitor cycle of faiths explored in World Faith Week. Actively make links to other faiths within assemblies. |
The profile of race/diversity is raised through children’s involvement in a range of activities and updates. |