Webbs Wood Road, Bradley Stoke, Bristol , BS32 8EJ
01454 866390

SEND & Inclusion                           

At St Mary's 'disabled students and those with special educational needs are effectively supported and achieve similarly to their peers'- (OFSTED, October 2013).


At St Mary's we are committed to the equality of opportunity for all pupils.  In line with St. Mary’s mission statement, where by each child is seen as an individual with his/her own particular needs and potential, we aim to ensure that every child participates fully in the curriculum and, social and spiritual life of the school, irrespective of age, ability or disability, as far as they are able.


Our SEND School Report describes the provision St Mary’s make for children who have a greater difficulty in learning (i.e. both in the academic and social context) than the majority of the children of the same age, or who have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities, of the kind generally available in our school (from 1981 & 1983 Education Act). Further information can be found in our SEND Policy and 'What we are Doing'and 'Success for Vulnerable Pupils' documents.


If you have any questions or require any further information, please contact  Laura George, our SENCO, by emailing admin@stmarysbs.org.uk or by calling 01454 866390.


SEND Policy