Webbs Wood Road, Bradley Stoke, Bristol , BS32 8EJ
01454 866390


Our new school policy


At St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, we believe everyone has the right to feel safe, secure, happy and healthy within a positive learning environment. In line with our Catholic ethos and Jesuit values, we emphasise the development of the whole child/ Everyone should be respected as an individual and feel able to contribute to life in the school community. The implementation of this policy is the responsibility of the staff, children, parents/carers, governors and the whole school community.


We aim to achieve this by:

·         Agreeing, clarifying and setting clear boundaries for expected behaviour, with children and all staff.

·         Providing a stimulating learning environment that enables children to feel secure and    motivated.

·   Enabling children to take responsibility for their own actions, separate their actions from their emotions (Zones of Regulation), respond appropriately, and engage in restorative actions. Our children will become independent in managing their behaviour, understand their role in the community and become positive active citizens.

·         Listening to one another and ensuring all behaviours are met with a fair, consistent and

·         empathetic response.

·         Supporting one another in modelling positive behaviours and relationships in a spirit of   mutual respect.

·         Providing positive discipline scripts so that there is a shared language among all staff members, and children are provided with a consistent approach by all staff.

·       Ensuring a restorative justice model is maintained, never shaming or deliberately punitive. We operate a clean slate policy.

·   Establishing and maintaining clear communication between staff, pupils, parents/carers and the wider community. We recognise that good partnerships with our school families is key.

·   Supporting children who have difficulty managing their behaviour, by identifying their needs as early as possible and working in partnership with their parents/carers to develop a individualised behaviour plan. We understand that negative behaviour can often be a symptom of an un-met need and that it is our responsibility to help understand and meet that need.


Definitions specifically around behaviour

ositive Behaviour is defined as:

       Consistent good manners

       Willingness to help each other learn

       Consideration for adults and children

       Consistent effort into work

       Good self-management in school

       Recognition and respect for authority


       Sharing and caring

       Unselfish play

       Responsible and reliable behaviour

       Ability to forgive and become reconciled after any quarrels or upsets

       Displaying positive learning behaviours



not giving equal respect to an individual on the basis of age, disability, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation


behaviour towards others which is unwanted, offensive and affects the dignity of the individual or group of individuals

Vexatious behaviour:

deliberately acting in a manner so as to cause annoyance or irritation


the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening natur 

For the purposes of this policy, the school will define “low-level unacceptable behaviour” as any behaviour which may disrupt the education of the perpetrator and/or other pupils, including, but not limited to, the following:

·         Low-level disruption and talking in class

·         Failure to complete classwork

·         Rudeness

·         Refusing to complete homework, incomplete homework, or arriving at school without homework

·         Use of mobile phones without permission

·         Graffiti

·         Distracting others in class or not following teacher instructions


“Low-level unacceptable behaviour” may be escalated to “serious unacceptable behaviour”, depending on the severity of the behaviour.

Serious misbehaviour is defined as:

       Repeated breaches of the school rules

       Refusal to work

       Physical assault of any kind towards another pupil, staff or visitors

       Endangering the safety of themselves, other children and staff carelessly or with intent

       Speaking disrespectfully or holding disrespectful attitudes towards others

       Throwing objects

       Any form of bullying 

       Sexual assault, which is any unwanted sexual behaviour that causes humiliation, pain, fear or intimidation






       Racist, sexist, homophobic or discriminatory behaviour       

       Possession of any prohibited items. These include:

o   Knives or weapons

o   Alcohol

o   Illegal drugs

o   Stolen items

o   Tobacco and cigarette papers

o   Fireworks

o   Pornographic images

o   Any article a staff member reasonably suspects has been, or is likely to be, used to commit an offence, or to cause personal injury to, or damage to the property of, any person (including the pupil) 




In formulating this policy, St Mary’s has considered guidance issued by the DfE as follows:

·         Education Act 1996

·         Education Act 2002

·         Education and Inspections Act 2006

·         Health Act 2006

·         The School Information (England) Regulations 2008

·         Equality Act 2010

·         Voyeurism (Offences) Act 2019

·         DfE (2013) ‘Use of reasonable force’

·         DfE (2015) ‘Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years’

·         DfE (2018) ‘Mental health and behaviour in schools’

·         DfE (2021) ‘Sexual violence and sexual harassment between children in schools and colleges’

·         DfE (2022) ‘Behaviour in schools: Advice for headteachers and school staff’

·         DfE (2022) ‘Keeping children safe in education 2022’

·         DfE (2022) ‘Searching, Screening and Confiscation: Advice for schools’

·      DfE (2022) ‘Suspension and Permanent Exclusion from maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units in England, including pupil movement’




Bullying is defined as the repetitive, intentional harming of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Full details are available in our Anti-Bullying Policy.

Bullying is, therefore:

       Deliberately hurtful

       Repeated, often over a period of time

       Difficult to defend against


Bullying can happen to anyone. This policy covers all types and forms of bullying including:

       Bullying related to race, religion, faith and belief and for those without faith

       Bullying related to ethnicity, nationality or culture

       Bullying related to Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND)

       Bullying related to sexual orientation (homophobic/biphobic bullying)

       Gender based bullying, including transphobic bullying

       Bullying against teenage parents (pregnancy and maternity is a protected characteristic under the Equality Act)


Bullying can include:


Type of bullying



Being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting


Hitting, kicking, pushing, taking another’s belongings, any use of violence


Racial taunts, graffiti, gestures


Explicit sexual remarks, display of sexual material, sexual gestures, unwanted physical attention, comments about sexual reputation or performance, or inappropriate touching, up-skirting

Direct or indirect verbal

Name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing


Bullying that takes place online, such as through social networking sites, messaging apps or gaming sites 


At St Mary’s we follow the STOP definition of bullying which is Several Times On Purpose.


Roles and responsibilities:


The Local Governing Body will:

  • will fulfil their legal obligation to establish their own Behaviour Policy for use at local level and as appropriate to their context,
  • monitor use of exclusions as a sanction within the school. This will be through the Principals’ Report which details FTE for each half term.

The school will:

·         having a strong focus on attendance and punctuality so that disruption is minimised

·   having clear and effective behaviour and attendance policies with clearly defined consequences that are applied consistently and fairly by all staff.


The Executive Headteacher will:

  •          agree the detail of the standard of behaviour acceptable to the school,
  •          with the support of the Senior Leadership Team, lead the development of a system of rewards and sanctions in order to maintain discipline in the school and to promote successful learning.

Teachers and staff will:

·         have high expectations of children and expect children are focussed, ready – managing effective transitions, dealing with low level distractions (inside and outside of class) and not accepting disruptive behaviour,

·         apply the behaviour policy and school systems fairly and consistently,

·         having a calm and orderly environment in the school and the classroom, as this is essential for pupils to be able to learn,

·         setting clear routines and expectations for the behaviour of pupils across all aspects of school life, not just in the classroom,

·         developing pupils’ motivation and positive attitudes to learning, as these are important predictors of attainment. Developing positive attitudes can also have a longer-term impact on how pupils approach learning tasks in later stages of education,

·         fostering a positive and respectful school culture in which staff know and care about pupils,

·         model and exemplify high standards of behaviour,

·         Providing a personalised approach to the specific behavioural needs of particular pupils, especially those children with SEN.

·         Recording behaviour incidents

·         The senior leadership team will support staff in responding to behaviour incidents. 


The SENCO will be responsible for:

·         Collaborating with the governing board, headteacher and the senior mental health lead, as part of the SLT, to determine the strategic development of behaviour and SEMH policies and provisions in the school.

·         Undertaking day-to-day responsibilities for the successful operation of the behaviour and SEMH policies to support pupils with SEND, in line with the school’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy.

·       Supporting teachers in the further assessment of a pupil’s strengths and areas for improvement and advising on the effective implementation of support.


Parents will:

·         take responsibility for the behaviour of their child both inside and outside the school,

·         work in partnership with the school to assist the school in maintaining high standards of behaviour and support the school by ensuring their child attends school in their full school uniform. (See Uniform Guidance on school websites),

·         take the opportunity of raising with the school any issues at home which may affect their child’s behaviour,

·         take every step to ensure that their child uses the internet and social media safely and correctly,

·         agree to adhere to the school’s policies and approaches

·         support the school in taking appropriate action

·         understand the consequences for certain behaviour

·         support the school’s aims for excellence and high expectations.


Pupils will:

       take responsibility for their own behaviour both in and out of school. They will be made fully aware of the school policy, procedures and expectations. In primary schools, children should keep the rules agreed by all,

       ensure that incidents of violence, vandalism, bullying and any form of harassment are reported,

       know the golden rules, understanding that they are underpinned by the values that Jesus taught us, and learning to live them out on a daily basis,

       accept responsibility for their own actions, particularly when inappropriate choices are made,

       learn how to accept failure/disappointment with humility, and success/praise with grace,

       treat staff and other pupils with respect and kindness:

-       by listening to each other,

-       by speaking in kind/respectful voices to each other,

-       by treating others how we want to be treated,

-       by behaving how Jesus teaches us to,

       respect the school buildings, grounds and transport alongside other people’s property and belongings.

       walk in an orderly fashion around the school buildings. 

       wear the correct school uniform and only bring in appropriate equipment to school.

       behave responsibly when wearing the school’s uniform in the local community.




Children with Special Needs

Please note that some children fall outside this Positive Behaviour Policy. Such children may be given a Strategy Plan for behaviour and support which may be obtained from SEMHL (Social, Emotional, Mental Health and Learning). A specific plan may be drawn up with individualised rewards and sanctions in conjunction with child, parent, school and support service if appropriate.


School Rules – the 4 B’s

At St Mary’s Catholic Primary School our Mission is at the heart of our school and community. By living our lives through our Mission we show that we love one another as Jesus loves us. There are many ways that we can live our Mission but these can be summed up in our four school rules: The Four B's

· Be safe –behaviour that hurts or harms others is unacceptable

· Be respectful – treat yourself, others and the world around you with kindness and fairness

· Be ready to learn – focused, organised, positive

· Be the best we can – this encapsulates all of the above; children are motivated and enthuasiastic about their learning and about the kind of person they are growing into


At the start of each academic year, class teachers and school staff will discuss these rules with their class to ensure clear understanding and an agreed interpretation of them. Our school rules are displayed around the school and in the classrooms. School staff use a shared language based around these rules e.g.

Are you showing you are ready to learn?

Well done, I can see you being safe when you make that choice.

Are you showing respect when you do that?

Are you being the best you can be right now?


Rewards and recognition

When our children follow our rules and routines, they will be recognised in a variety of ways:

ü  Class agreed systems e.g. class marbles, golden time, raffle tickets, etc

ü  Children will also receive praise and positive comments from the adults in school for good behaviour, manners, learning and for acts of kindness/caring

ü  Weekly merit certificates, including a Community/Values certificate

ü  Text or note home to parent/carer “Speak to your child about how wonderful they were in (Maths, Assembly, etc) today”. This way, partnerships with families is strengthened; recognition is immediate; positive target behaviour is modelled and celebrated.



At St Mary’s Catholic Primary School we expect that all children will be able to follow our school rules once they have understood them. However, there will be occasions when some children will struggle to follow our rules. On these occasions all adults are empowered to deal with incidents fairly and within our agreed Behaviour Management System. This Behaviour Management System is consistent across all year groups and is as follows:


Thresholds or classification:

Low level disruption: St Mary’s is committed to setting high-expectations for behaviour. Low level disruption in the classroom can lead to a significant amount of learning time lost, to a negative learning environment, and to feelings of frustration in learners, staff and parents. It is essential that we have a consistent, fair system in place in order to deal with any low level disruptive behaviour quickly and efficently.


Therefore, staff will ensure that low-level disruptive behaviour is managed and addressed in school. This includes ensuring children are lined up appropriately and showing they are ready to learn, children are focussed on their learning and not disrupting themselves or others from their learning.


‘Ready to Learn’ reminder with turn-around time:


A reminder of the school’s expectations and reiteration of our approach to be READY, RESPECTFUL & SAFE –

Teacher gives verbal reminder of expectation


e.g. Pupil, I can see you’re talking quite loudly. It’s preventing your partner from concentrating on their task. Please use a quieter voice.


Child has their first chance to change their behaviour. Teacher can support where possible e.g move places etc. If they can turn their behaviour around, respond positively e.g. Thank you. That was a good choice you made there

Formal caution

Teacher gives a visual reminder. Outline and reinforce expectations again. This visual reminder can be adjusted to suit the needs of different age ranges in classes. However, for Key Stage 2, children will receive a 4 B’s reminder card of the school rules.


If unwanted behaviour persists, the consequence is that child misses 5 mins of play – uses that time to complete task linked to missed learning (or some other appropriate restorative action). Use Zones of Regulation if helpful. Child stays in classroom to complete task. Teachers operate a partner system in order to supervise. After 5 minutes, child gets rest of their playtime. Teacher records incident in class behaviour book; this can be referred to with parents if helpful, then or at a later time. Clean slate policy once consequence has been done.


Further disruptive or persistent behaviour issues:

SLT support and intervention

If a pattern of behaviour is occurring, then we employ these further strategies:

-          1. Restorative conversation with a member of the leadership team using the ‘shared script’. Support for the child and support for the staff member. Relationships built with leadership team. School expectations reinforced.

-          2. Missed lunch or break times with Deputy or Executive Headteacher if behaviour is playground and friendships based (giving them and others time apart to reflect on behaviour or complete restorative tasks)

-          3. Individualised behaviour plan for that child (see below) or if appropriate support for the teacher to develop more effective classroom management strategies.


Follow-up Action:

SLT to support teachers and “check-in” on student regarding behaviour plan or post-consequence.

Incidents will be recorded under CPOMS to keep a diary and record for staff to access and to support future interventions.


Zero tolerance behaviour:

Verbal abuse: serious name-calling or swearing

Physical abuse: deliberately causing serious physical harm to another

Mental abuse: bullying, repetitive and intentional

Zero tolerance behaviour must be dealt with in the moment, as soon as possible to when it happened.


1.    Staff member identifies the offence, sends child down to Headteacher’s office.

2.    Headteacher (or in their absence, Deputy Headteacher. In her absence, a staff member suitably senior) deals with incident, using restorative justice model. Uses Zones of Regulation where appropriate and if needed. Consequence: child has their lunch/spends their afternoon break in Headteacher’s office, possibly with restorative task/work to complete (can be set by teacher). Headteacher notifies parents. Incident is recorded on CPOMS so there is a central record.

3.    Once consequence has been done and restorative action has been made, child starts again with a clean slate. Important to have had the conversation about what they can choose to do differently next time – forward-thinking.

4.    A letter or phone call will be issued to parents explaining actions. Incidents will be recorded under CPOMS to keep a diary and record for staff to access and to support future interventions.

5.    If there is a repeat of severe behaviour, a student is causing significant disruption to the learning of others or there is harm caused to another pupil, a child can be removed from class for a fixed period of time and will work under the supervision of the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher in their office.


St Mary’s is an inclusive school committed to equal opportunity for all. It is felt that exclusions of students from the school, whether fixed term or permanent, are damaging to both the student and the whole school community. Consequently, a student will only be excluded when other strategies have not been effective over time in dealing with persistent breaches of the behaviour expected, or when there has been a single, clear and serious breach of discipline, and where allowing the student to remain in the school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the student or others in the school.


The school follows the legislation referring to exclusions as stated in the 2007 Education Act and “Exclusion from maintained schools, Academies and pupil referral units in England” guidance issued by the Department for Education.




Lunchtime behaviour issues

All children deserve to have a safe and happy lunchtime play period. Lunchbreak supervisor staff (LBS) are skilled at promoting positive behaviour. It is very important that a shared script is used by all staff, include lunchtime supervisors, so that a positive and consistent approch is maintained; new LBS who need training in this should be supported as necessary.


Zero tolerance behaviour at lunchtimes is to be dealt with as outlined above.

If conflicts arise among children, then a hassle log system can be used. This is a good strategy for diffusing the drama of a situation. They can be used where groups of children have a need to express their emotional response to an incident and can be useful as a means of thinking through what has happened, why it happened, and their part in it. It can enable children to feel validated, regain control, have an equal voice and be heard. The point of hassle logs are to: clarify what’s happened, help to resolve an issue, work towards restorative action.


The children involved can be brought inside to a common area (lobby outside staffroom/ headteacher’s office) to complete discrete hassle logs. A member of LBS or SLT (or any teaching adult) can help resolve the incident, so that as much as possible the matter is dealt with by the end of lunch and is not carried into the classroom.


1. What happened?

2. What were you thinking/feeling at the time? What zone were you in?

3. How did this behaviour make people feel? Who has been affected by this?

4. What have you thought since; how can things be put right?

5. How can we do things differently in the future?


If behaviour issues need to be logged, the LBS communication book is to be used, and if appropriate, passed on to the class teacher to log in their class behaviour book also. If conflicts are more complex to resolve, or become repetitive, then LBS will communicate with class teachers or SLT as appropriate; Zones of Regulation/PSHE/class meetings may be helpful, or individualised behaviour support may be helpful.


Ofsted have outlined how vital it is that Senior management are supportive and consistent regarding the Behaviour management system. In our school, this means that when zero tolerance behaviour occurs, senior management will be on hand to support and implement the above agreed system.


Individualised behaviour support

We recognise that if a child is displaying consistent unwanted behaviour, and it is clear that whole school behaviour management systems are not working for that child. Therefore, that child needs other forms of support (e.g., 1:1 mentoring, positive behaviour chart targeted to their individualised needs, positive intervention). This support/plan will be drawn up in consultation with the child. It should be no longer than 6-8 weeks and then reviewed to assess its impact,  e.g. what is working best for that child so that they have positive strategies that result in positive behaviour. Parental involvement is desirable. This takes into account SEN children and children with any other educational needs. Whilst on a Behaviour Plan, the expectations of the child’s behaviour remain the same as the expectations we have of all children; however, they may be supported in a more individualised way.


Anti-Bullying Strategy

Anti-bullying week is held every year in November. During this week the children learn about the meaning of ‘bullying’ – causing intentional harm to another repeatedly and over time. All adults in school will follow the behaviour policy as above for incidents of bullying/mental abuse which are Zero Tolerance behaviours. We recognise that as well as protecting children from bullying, we also have a responsibility to help the children who are doing the bullying; they are often victims in a different way. Restorative conversations, individualised behaviour plans and Zones of Regulation work can form the basis of what is needed to help children involved in bullying. Again, it is about enabling children to choose effective positive.


Prevention strategies, intervention, and sanctions for unacceptable behaviour

This section outlines the school’s strategies for preventing unacceptable behaviour and initial interventions, minimising the severity of incidents, and using sanctions and support effectively and appropriately to improve pupils’ behaviour in the future.


Initial interventions

A range of initial intervention strategies to help pupils manage their behaviour and reduce the likelihood of more severe sanctions will be used. Support will consider the pupil’s specific needs and may be delivered outside of the classroom, in small groups or in one-to-one activities. SLT and pastoral staff will wqork with parents and school staff to be aware of any pupil that is:

  • Persistently misbehaving
  • Not improving their behaviour following low-level sanctions
  • Displaying a sudden change in behaviour from previous patterns of behaviour


Examples of initial interventions to address misbehaviour will include, but are not limited to, the following:

·         Frequently engaging with parents, including home visits where necessary

·         Providing mentoring and coaching

·         Short-term behaviour report cards

·         Long-term behaviour plans

·         Pupil support units

·         Engagement with local partners and agencies

·         Where the pupil has SEND, an assessment of whether appropriate provision is in place to support the pupil, and if the pupil has an EHC plan, contact with the LA to consider a review of the plan

A multi-agency assessment, such an early help assessment, that goes beyond a pupil’s education will be considered where serious concerns about a pupil’s behaviour exist.


Positive teacher-pupil relationships

Positive teacher-pupil relationships are key to combatting unacceptable behaviour. The school will focus heavily on forming positive relationships based on predictability, fairness and trust to allow teachers to understand their pupils and create a strong foundation from which behavioural change can take place



Preventative measures for pupils with SEND

Behaviour will always be considered in relation to a pupil’s SEND. If it is deemed that a pupil’s SEND has contributed to their misbehaviour, the school will consider whether it is appropriate and lawful to sanction the pupil.

Where a pupil is identified as having SEND, the graduate approach will be used to assess, plan, deliver and review the impact of support being provided.

The school will aim to anticipate likely triggers of misbehaviour and put in place support to prevent these, taking into account the specific circumstances and requirements of the pupil concerned. Measures the school will implement where appropriate include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Short, planned movement breaks for a pupil whose SEND means they find it difficult to sit still for long
  • Ensuring a pupil with visual or hearing impairment is seated in sight of the teacher
  • Adjusting uniform requirements for a pupil with sensory issues or relevant medical condition
  • Training for staff in understanding autism and other conditions


De-escalation strategies

Where negative behaviour is present, staff members will implement de-escalation strategies to diffuse the situation. This will revolve around thew schools mental health and wellbeing policy and strategies such as Zones of Regulation and may also include:

  • Appearing calm and using a modulated, low tone of voice
  • Using simple, direct language.
  • Avoiding being defensive, e.g. if comments or insults are directed at the staff member.
  • Providing adequate personal space and not blocking a pupil’s escape route.
  • Showing open, accepting body language, e.g. not standing with their arms crossed.
  • Reassuring the pupil and creating an outcome goal.
  • Identifying any points of agreement to build a rapport.
  • Offering the pupil a face-saving route out of confrontation, e.g. that if they stop the behaviour, then the consequences will be lessened.
  • Rephrasing requests made up of negative words with positive phrases, e.g. “if you don’t return to your seat, I won’t help you with your work” becomes “if you return to your seat, I can help you with your work”


Physical intervention

In line with the school’s Physical Intervention Policy, trained members of staff will have the legal right to use reasonable force to prevent pupils from committing an offence, injuring themselves or others, or damaging school property, and to maintain good order and discipline in the classroom.


Any violent or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated by the school and may result in a fixed-term exclusion in the first instance. It is at the discretion of the headteacher as to what behaviour constitutes for an exclusion, in line with the Suspension and Exclusion Policy


Effective classroom management

Well-managed classrooms are paramount to preventing disruptive and unacceptable behaviour. Effective classroom management will allow staff to:

  • Start the year with clear sets of rules and routines that are understood by all pupils.
  • Establish agreed rewards and positive reinforcements.
  • Establish sanctions for misbehaviour.
  • Establish clear responses for handling behavioural problems.
  • Encourage respect and development of positive relationships.
  • Make effective use of the physical space available.
  • Have well-planned lessons with a range of activities to keep pupils stimulated

The classroom environment

The school understands that a well-structured classroom environment is paramount to preventing poor behaviour. This includes the teacher positioning themselves effectively within the classroom, e.g. wherever possible, teachers avoid standing with their backs to pupils and ensure they have full view of the room at all times.

Teachers will employ strategic seating arrangements to prevent poor behaviour and enable it to be noticed early, such as:

·         Seating those who frequently model poor behaviour closest to, and facing, the teacher.

·         Seating those who frequently model poor behaviour away from each other.

·         Ensuring the teacher can see pupils’ faces, that pupils can see one another, and that they can see the board.

·         Ensuring the teacher can move around the room so that behaviour can be monitored effectively.


Praise and rewards

The school will recognise that praise is key to making pupils feel valued and ensuring that their work and efforts are celebrated. When giving praise, teachers will ensure:

  • They define the behaviour that is being rewarded.
  • The praise is given immediately following the desired behaviour.
  • The way in which the praise is given is varied.
  • Praise is related to effort, rather than only to work produced.
  • Perseverance and independence are encouraged.
  • Praise is only given when a pupil’s efforts, work or behaviour need to be recognised, rather than continuously without reason.


Whilst it is important to receive praise from teachers, the school understands that peer praise is also effective for creating a positive, fun and supportive environment. Teachers will encourage pupils to praise one another, and praise another pupil to the teacher, if they see them modelling good behaviour.


As with praise, the school understands that providing rewards after certain behaviour means that pupils are more likely to model the same behaviour again. For rewards to be effective, the school recognises that they need to be:

  • Immediate – immediately rewarded following good behaviour.
  • Consistent – consistently rewarded to maintain the behaviour.
  • Achievable – keeping rewards achievable to maintain attention and motivation.
  • Fair – making sure all pupils are fairly rewarded.


Rewards for good behaviour will include, but are not limited to:

  • Verbal praise
  • Communicating praise to parents
  • Certificates, prize ceremonies and special assemblies
  • Positions of responsibility, e.g. being entrusted with a particular project
  • Trips and activities for a whole-class or year group




Monitoring and review

This policy will be reviewed by the headteacher and senior mental health lead on an annual basis; they will make any necessary changes and communicate these to all members of staff and relevant stakeholders.

This policy will be made available for Ofsted inspections and reviews by the lead inspector, upon request.


The next scheduled review date for this policy is DATE


Links to other policies or documents


This Behaviour and Positive Handling policy is linked to our:

       Anti-Bullying Policy

       Complaints Policy

       Child protection & Safeguarding Policy

       Confidentiality Policy

       E-Safety Policy

       Acceptable Use Policies (AUP)

       RSHE Policy 

       School Uniform Policy