Webbs Wood Road, Bradley Stoke, Bristol , BS32 8EJ
01454 866390

 St BERNADETTE'S Class (Year 4) - 2023/24     

Welcome to Year 4!

We hope you enjoy looking at our class page. This is where you will find all of the useful details about the year including curriculum information, important dates, and a diary of our learning. 


Meet the team

Miss Horsley, Year 4 Class Teacher


PE Days

Monday and Thursday



The children are not required to bring any stationery or particular equipment to school as everything they need is provided for them. They have been given a pencil case each and I do not want them to bring a different pencil case to school. The children can earn some stationery items from me as part of our reward system, and they can use these in school. 



Children should bring their reading book and their reading record book to school every day.

Please ensure you are reading with your child at least 5 times a week. This should be recorded in their blue reading records. Please bring these in daily, but they will be checked by the teacher on Mondays.

Children can choose and change their books any day, though they may have to wait until the next day to bring their new book home, so that I have time to log books out on our library system.



Homework is set every Friday afternoon on Google Classroom and is due in by the following Friday. Children needing paper copies of homework can collect these on Monday. I also publish the weekly homework here, on this page, (see below)

Children should also be practising their times tables often at home. In June, there is a national multiplication test, which is time-sensitive. Regular practise on Times Tables Rock Stars to build up recall and input speed is essential for your child's success in this test and in their maths lessons. 


Homework due Friday 3rd May 2024

Year 4 maths videos from White Rose if you want to review your learning at home.

Maths: Tenths on a number line

Reading Comprehension: Digestive System 1-star

Reading Comprehension: Digestive System 2-stars

Reading Comprehension: Digestive System 3-stars

Grammar: Fronted Adverbials mini-test

Termly Enquiry 


Term 1

Our termly overview can be found here.

Our Maths Place Value Knowledge Organiser can be found here.

Our Maths Addition and Subtraction Knowledge Organiser can be found here.

Our English Knowledge Organiser for The Wolves in the Wall can be found here.

Our Termly Spellings list can be found here.

Statutory Spellings Dictations to practice at home can be found here.


Term 2

Our Enquiry this term.

Our Maths Area Knowledge Organiser can be found here.

Our Maths Multiplication and Division Knowledge Organiser can be found here.

Our Termly Spellings List can be found here.

Poetry Week: 'St Mary's Poetry Slam 2023'


Term 3

Our Overview of this term's learning.

Our Enquiry this term.

Our Maths Multiplication and Division Knowledge Organiser can be found here.

Our Termly Spellings List can be found here.

Our Writing Knowledge Organiser for this term's book can be found here.


Term 4

Our Termly Overview can be found here.

Our Term 4 Enquiry Knowledge Organiser.

Our Termly Spellings List can be found here.

Our Maths Area and Perimeter Knowledge Organiser can be found here.

Our Maths Fractions Knowledge Organiser can be found here.

Our Reading Knowledge Organiser for The Firework-Maker's Daughter.


Term 5

Our Termy Overview can be found here.

Our Term 5 Enquiry Knowledge Organiser.

Our Termly Spellings List can be found here.

Our Maths Decimals Knowledge Organiser can be found here.

Our Computing Knowledge Organiser can be found here.


Term 6

Our Class Blog 2023-2024

Term 5 Computing Scratch: Repetition in Games
Term 5 Enquiry: How does digestion occur?
Our class Mass for St Bernadette's Feast Day
Glockenspiels during Term 4

An overview of Our Enquiry in Term 4

No data
Our Advent 'Big Question'