Webbs Wood Road, Bradley Stoke, Bristol , BS32 8EJ
01454 866390

PSHE Curriculum                                                                                  






Our Mission Statement

Celebrating Excellence through our Faith and Learning


At St Mary’s we believe that our pupil’s need a curriculum that allows them to become enthusiastic and engaged learners. The PSHE Curriculum equips pupil with essential skills for life and provides them with a foundation to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society: we search for purposeful, meaningful opportunities to allow pupil to experience this.

To extend and deepen the pupil’s learning; we endeavour to make strong links with the diverse multi - cultural backgrounds of the pupils and staff and we build upon these experiences to develop pupils who appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. At St. Mary’s we have an inclusive approach to PSHE, we ensure that our pupils can access the curriculum and that is tailored to meet their individual needs.

In PSHE we nurture pupils, by providing them with enriching experiences that prompt pupils to ask questions and think critically about, and articulately explain, their choices. Our intention is that as the pupils of St Mary’s grow and mature, they develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.


At St Mary’s, we use Ten Ten’s ‘Live Life to the Full’ RSE programme to meet the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum. The scheme of work is supplemented by JIGSAW so that we are able to deliver the full PSHE curriculum as suggested by the PSHE Association. We want to ensure we provide the children of St Mary’s with a broad curriculum that enables them to develop their knowledge and skills by supporting their wellbeing.

RSE and Health Education - ‘Live Life to the Full’ Scheme of Work

 This scheme of work has been chosen as it matches the Catholic ethos of our school while delivering lessons that provide full coverage of the RSE and Health Education curriculum. Live Life to the Full is split into 3 three modules:

  • Created and Loved by God
  • Created to Love Others
  • Created to Live in Community

It provides a spiral curriculum as the repetition of, and building upon of modules, allows children to embed their previous knowledge before challenging and stretching it through extension activities.


To compliment the teaching of RSE, the children of St Mary’s are also taught about further aspects of the PSHE curriculum as provided by the PSHE association. For PSHE, we have subscribed to the JIGSAW scheme, which is a programme for Primary PSHE. Like Ten-Ten, it is also a spiral, progressive scheme of work. PSHE is also covered in class by regular whole class circle time sessions, group support and/or individual support.


Curriculum Overview


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Term 5

Term 6


Being in my world

Celebrating difference

Dreams and Goals

Healthy me


Me, my body, my health

Year 1

Being in my world

Celebrating difference

Dreams and Goals

Healthy me


Me, my body, my health

Year 2

Being in my world

Celebrating difference

Dreams and Goals

Healthy me


Me, my body, my health

Year 3

Being in my world

Celebrating difference

Dreams and Goals

Healthy me


Me, my body, my health

Year 4

Being in my world

Celebrating difference

Dreams and Goals

Healthy me


Me, my body, my health

Year 5

Being in my world

Celebrating difference

Dreams and Goals

Healthy me


Me, my body, my health

Year 6

Being in my world

Celebrating difference

Dreams and Goals

Healthy me


Me, my body, my health



Through the teaching of PSHE and RSE, the children of St Mary’s become confident, emotionally literate and open-minded individuals. The children at St Mary’s have an understanding of the importance of keeping both physically and mentally healthy. The children are able to use oracy skills to communicate their thoughts and feelings while knowing where and how to seek help and support. The children know how to develop healthy relationships and how to respect diversity and differences.

We evaluate the impact of our PSHE curriculum in the following ways:

Pupil achievement and progress

We measure pupil achievement – the acquisition of knowledge and skills – and progress using a number of strategies, including:

  • Teacher assessments, based on questioning in class, observations and pupil outcomes (which includes their work in books) are used for formative, ongoing assessment.
  • Scrutiny of progress in books and pupil conferencing with children. The JIGSAW and Ten-Ten scheme include clear expectations of what the pupils will know, understand and be able to do at the end of each key stage.
  • In conversations with children, teachers and school leaders ask questions relating directly to age-related expectations and to times when they might have needed more support or when they experienced greater challenge.
  • Learning walks.

Pupil attitudes

We measure pupil attitudes using a number of strategies, including:

  • feedback during learning conversations and in pupil and parent/carer surveys
  • attitudes and behaviour in lessons across the curriculum
  • the quality of the work they produce, including taking pride in presentation
  • attendance and punctuality

Children, particularly older children, will be encouraged to reflect on and self-assess their learning in terms of enjoyment, relevance, inspiration and creativity.